Help prepare your child to enter school ready to read! This storytime includes books, rhymes, and literacy activities that emphasize alphabet and letter recognition plus activities that support independence and confidence building.
Combined Rhyme Time
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, book sharing and hands-on activities with your child. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Build confidence and independence with an increased focus on more complex books, emphasizing alphabet and letter recognition, shapes, and hands-on activities. Age 3 with caregiver. Registration is required.
Help prepare your child to enter school ready to read! This storytime includes books, rhymes, and literacy activities that emphasize alphabet and letter recognition plus activities that support independence and confidence building.
Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in this engaging program. Grades K-5. Registration is required.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Combined Rhyme Time
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, book sharing and hands-on activities with your child. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Build confidence and independence with an increased focus on more complex books, emphasizing alphabet and letter recognition, shapes, and hands-on activities. Age 3 with caregiver.
Come and enjoy a craft that you and your child can participate in between storytimes. Each Make & Take Craft will be based off of something that was learned in storytime and further enrich your child's knowledge. Ages 2-3 with caregiver.
Designed for newly independent preschoolers, this storytime features books, rhymes and literacy-based activities that will help prepare your child to enter school ready to read. Ages 4-5 without caregiver in storytime room.
The Journey Back Mobile VR Experience
Join us daily to watch films that introduce the stories of Holocaust Survivors Fritzie Fritzshall (A Promise Kept) and George Brent (Don’t Forget Me).
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Explore Science, Engineering, Technology, Arts and Math in this interactive program. Perfect for homeschoolers. All are welcome! Grades K-2. Registration is required.
The Journey Back Mobile VR Experience
Join us daily to watch films that introduce the stories of Holocaust Survivors Fritzie Fritzshall (A Promise Kept) and George Brent (Don’t Forget Me).
Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in this engaging program. Grades K-5. Registration is required.
Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math in this interactive program. Grades 3-5. Registration is required.
Perfect for homeschoolers! Join us at the library as we explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through the library STEAM kits. Grades 3-5. Registration is required.
Bring your craft, your supplies and your passion! Meet other crafters and creators, share your ideas and get new ones!
Adults. Registration is not required.
Calling all Homeschoolers! Use your imagination to build creations out of stackable bricks and other materials. Grades K-5. Registration is not required.
The Journey Back Mobile VR Experience
Join us daily to watch films that introduce the stories of Holocaust Survivors Fritzie Fritzshall (A Promise Kept) and George Brent (Don’t Forget Me).
Come in for for 1.5 hours of board games and video games.
Grades 9-12 and homeschool teens. Registration is not required. Just drop in!
Practice your reading skills by sharing stories with a therapy dog. Bring your own book or choose one from our selection! Grades K-5. Registration is required.
Have you ever wanted to participate in D&D but weren't sure where to start? Trying to find a new campaign to join?
Join us Wednesdays for teen-only activities. Enjoy movies, games, crafts, and more, with different selections each week. Grades 6-12. Registration is not required; drop in any time!
Weekly Themes:
Join us for a fun gaming session with other adults and teens to practice English. Selected games are easy to learn, so we can start playing quickly! This program is for non-native English speakers. Adults and Teens, grades 9-12.
Join us for an open paint night at the Oceanfront Area Library. Feel free to bring your own preferred surface to paint or choose one from our supplies. We will have various types of surfaces available to paint.
The Journey Back Mobile VR Experience
Join us daily to watch films that introduce the stories of Holocaust Survivors Fritzie Fritzshall (A Promise Kept) and George Brent (Don’t Forget Me).
Join us for Bayside Talks, a quarterly speaker series at the Bayside Library!
The Department of Health joins us this month to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Let's welcome the spring by creating art inspired by the season. We will use construction paper to create vibrant artwork featuring fruits and vegetables.
Adults. Registration is required.