This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Just 2s Storytime

9:00am - 9:45am
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: TCC/City Joint-Use Library
Room: Joint-Use Storytime Room
Age Group: Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning
Seats Remaining: 1

Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with caregiver.

This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Just 2s Storytime

9:30am - 10:00am
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Pungo-Blackwater Library
Room: Pungo-Blackwater Storytime Room
Age Group: Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning
Seats Remaining: 1

Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movements, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.

This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Just 2s Storytime

9:30am - 10:00am
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Kempsville Area Library
Room: Kempsville Storytime Room
Age Group: Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning
Seats Remaining: 1

Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child.

This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Just 2s Storytime

10:00am - 10:45am
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: TCC/City Joint-Use Library
Room: Joint-Use Storytime Room
Age Group: Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning
Seats Remaining: 0

Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.

This event is in the "Onesies (12-24 months)" group.
This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Toddler Open Play

10:00am - 11:30am
Onesies (12-24 months), Toddlers (2-3 years)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Princess Anne Area Library
Room: Princess Anne Meeting Room
Age Group: Onesies (12-24 months), Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning

Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-2" group.

StoryWalk®: Plants Can't Sit Still

10:00am - 7:00pm
Preschool (3-5 years), Grades K-2
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Bayside Area Library
Room: Bayside Lawn
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years), Grades K-2
Program Type: Books & Authors

Join us for a StoryWalk® featuring Plants Can't Sit Still by Rebecca Hirsch. Engage in fun activities while you read the story and explore the library!

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.

Preschool Science

10:15am - 11:00am
Preschool (3-5 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Bayside Area Library
Room: Bayside Library Meeting Room
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years)
Program Type: STEAM
Seats Remaining: 2

Bring your preschooler to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in this interactive program. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Registration is required.

This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Just 2s Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Kempsville Area Library
Room: Kempsville Storytime Room
Age Group: Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning
Seats Remaining: 0

Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child.

This event is in the "Toddlers (2-3 years)" group.

Drop-In Just 2s Storytime

11:00am - 11:30am
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Great Neck Area Library
Room: Great Neck Storytime Room
Age Group: Toddlers (2-3 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning

Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.

Combined Preschool Storytime

11:00am - 11:45am
Preschool (3-5 years)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Windsor Woods Area Library
Room: Windsor Woods Programming Room
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years)
Program Type: Storytimes & Early Learning

Help prepare your child to enter school ready to read! This storytime includes books, rhymes, and literacy activities that emphasize alphabet and letter recognition plus activities that support independence and confidence building.

This event is in the "Adults 18+" group.

English Conversation Club

11:00am - 12:00pm
Adults 18+
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Great Neck Area Library
Room: Great Neck Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults 18+
Program Type: Discussion Groups

If you are a non-native English speaker, join us to practice your conversational English in a friendly setting. Each week we discuss a different topic and do fun activities! Adults. Registration is not required.

This event is in the "Adults 18+" group.

Now Read This Book Club

11:00am - 12:00pm
Adults 18+
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Kempsville Area Library
Room: Kempsville Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults 18+
Program Type: Books & Authors

Meet to discuss this month's selected title:  Things I Wish I Told My Mother  by Susan Patterson. Book copies are available for check-out at the Kempsville Area Library information desk. 

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.

Preschool Science

11:15am - 12:00pm
Preschool (3-5 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: TCC/City Joint-Use Library
Room: Joint-Use Storytime Room
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years)
Program Type: STEAM
Seats Remaining: 1

Bring your preschooler to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math in this interactive series. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Registration is required.

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-2" group.

Jr. Naturalist Program

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Preschool (3-5 years), Grades K-2
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Princess Anne Area Library
Room: Princess Anne Commons Area
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years), Grades K-2
Program Type: STEAM
Seats Remaining: 0

Come discover the local wildlife of Virginia Beach with your young Nature Pals! Each month we will explore a different group of animals in this free grownup and me program for ages 3-8.

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.

Preschool Science

2:00pm - 2:45pm
Preschool (3-5 years)
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Oceanfront Area Library
Room: Oceanfront Storytime Room
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years)
Program Type: STEAM
Seats Remaining: 0

Bring your preschooler to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in this interactive series. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Registration is required.

This event is in the "Preschool (3-5 years)" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-2" group.

Pretend Play: Farmers Market

2:00pm - 3:00pm
Preschool (3-5 years), Grades K-2
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Princess Anne Area Library
Room: Princess Anne Storytime Room
Age Group: Preschool (3-5 years), Grades K-2
Program Type: Hobbies
Seats Remaining: 2

Practice creative problem solving and language skills while engaging in imaginative play! All materials are provided. Ages 3-5 and Grades K-2. Registration is required

This event is in the "Adults 18+" group.
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library
Room: Central Auditorium
Age Group: Adults 18+
Program Type: Movies & Entertainment

 “There’s no crying in baseball”, women want to play baseball. WWII is underway, and because the men are getting drafted, there is no regular baseball. Will the fans come out to see women play?

This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Grades 9-12" group.

Teen Time: Air Dry Clay Sculpting

4:00pm - 5:45pm
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Kempsville Area Library
Room: Kempsville Teen & Technology Space
Age Group: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, STEAM

Join us Tuesday nights for teen-only activities. Enjoy movies, games, crafts, and more, with different selections each week.

Grades 6-12. Registration is not required, drop in any time!

Weekly Themes:

This event is in the "Grades 3-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.

Tween Hour: Friendship Bracelets

4:30pm - 5:30pm
Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: TCC/City Joint-Use Library
Room: Joint-Use Living Room
Age Group: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8
Program Type: Hobbies
Seats Remaining: 1

Calling all tweens! Here's your chance to meet other tweens, make new friends, and enjoy fun activities. This month we will work on a craft together. Grades 4-6. Registration is required.

This event is in the "Grades 3-5" group.

Pokémon Club

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Grades 3-5
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Bayside Area Library
Room: Bayside Library Meeting Room
Age Group: Grades 3-5
Program Type: Hobbies
Seats Remaining: 0

Bring your Pokémon cards and games to trade, battle, and more with other local players. Hang out, chat with other fans, and make a craft. "Catch ‘em all" at the library this month! Grades 3-5. Registration is required.

This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Grades 9-12" group.

Teen Crafting: Perler Beads

4:30pm - 6:30pm
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Sign-up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library
Room: Central Teen Area
Age Group: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Hobbies
Seats Remaining: 9

Take a break, unwind, and make something cool with Perler beads.

Grades 6-12. Registration is required. 

This event is in the "Grades K-2" group.
This event is in the "Grades 3-5" group.

Little Cherry Blossom Lanterns

5:30pm - 6:15pm
Grades K-2, Grades 3-5
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Windsor Woods Area Library
Room: Windsor Woods Programming Room
Age Group: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5
Program Type: Arts & Crafts

Let your art bloom and light the way by creating a beautiful cherry blossom lantern. Grades K-5.

This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Grades 9-12" group.

Teen Time: Anime!

5:30pm - 6:45pm
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Oceanfront Area Library
Room: Oceanfront Storytime Room
Age Group: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Program Type: Movies & Entertainment

Join us Tuesday nights for teen-only activities. Enjoy movies, games, crafts, and more, with different selections each week.

Grades 6-12. Registration is not required, drop in any time!

Weekly Themes: