Calling all young singers in grades 3-5! Join us for a fun-filled summer music program where you'll explore the joy of music and singing. Over the week, you'll learn new songs, develop your musical skills, and make new friends.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Start your week off with Mahjong! Come learn the rules of this traditional Chinese game and play with others. No experience necessary. Adults. Registration is required.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Help prepare your child to enter school ready to read! This Storytime includes books, rhymes, and literacy activities that emphasize alphabet and letter recognition plus activities that support independence and confidence building.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
A family-friendly dance party experience where you broaden your experience, step outside your comfort zones, and discover new ways to move.
If you are a non-native English speaker, join us to practice your conversational English in a friendly setting. Each week we discuss a different topic and do fun activities!
Adults. Teens 16+ Registration is not required.
Help prepare your child to enter school ready to read! This Storytime includes books, rhymes, and literacy activities that emphasize alphabet and letter recognition plus activities that support independence and confidence building.
Calling all tweens! Here's your chance to meet other tweens, make new friends, and enjoy fun activities. This month's activity is creating several dragon-themed crafts.
Grades 4-8. Registration is required.
Join Ryan the Balloon Guy for this workshop on making a variety of balloon creations. Grades 6-12. Registration is required.
Teens, cool down at the library, and prepare to get splashed! Join other teens for some games with both water balloons and water soakers. We recommend that you bring sunscreen, a towel, something to get splashed in, and a change of clo
Make & Take Mondays
Drop into the library and make a fun craft to take home, while supplies last.
Family. Registration is not required.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Drop-in for a fun craft for your family to enjoy! All supplies are provided. Family. No registration required.
Rotating competition is organized by the club coordinator. Knowledge of chess rules is required; limited instruction may be provided for beginners. Chess equipment has been generously donated by Virginia Chess Federation, private donor
Learn the basics of using a computer and mouse through hands-on activities. Adults. Registration is required.
For more information please visit
Let’s make fantasy eggs! All supplies will be provided to make this wonderful fantasy prop!
Grades 6-12. Registration is required.